This September 15, the closing ceremony of the first edition of the diploma in Design and Development in Virtual and Augmented Reality of the Faculty of Information Sciences was held with the presentation of projects from the Metaverse Full Mastery program. Mercedes Rodríguez Paredes, director of the Center for Permanent Training of the UCM, and Eduardo Herranz, co-founder and COO of Virtual Voyagers, have recalled that this title has been a pioneering initiative worldwide in Spanish, from which projects have emerged that they are authentic business models that address fields as diverse as health, tourism, art, storytelling, advertising, retail or entertainment.
Mercedes Rodríguez Paredes assures that in the university, in addition to training, entrepreneurship is fundamental and these projects are the result of “a group of entrepreneurs with a desire to work and do new things that are very necessary”. She emphasizes Rodríguez Paredes that this title about the metaverse is a pioneer in the Spanish-speaking world, so “it is a risky bet, but with guaranteed success.”

UCM, Complutense