According to the social platform Dyntra, of the 169 indicators published, The Complutense University of Madrid complies with 152, which is equivalent to a commitment level of 89.94% in transparency.
June 30, 2022. The Complutense University of Madrid ranks among the most transparent universities, occupying 4th position out of a total of 77 universities, according to the specialized platform Dyntra.
In this latest report, UCM has significantly improved its evaluation, moving from 6th position to 4th. The evolution of the UCM can be seen at:
Of the 169 indicators published, the Complutense complies with 152, which is equivalent to a level of commitment of 89.94%. The evaluation of UCM Transparency based on the DUE index (Dyntra Universidades) is as follows:
– Institutional Transparency: 88.1%.
– Public communication: 96%.
– Participation and collaboration: 95.24%.
– Economic-financial transparency: 90%.
– Service contracting: 84.21%.
These positions and recognition reinforce the firm commitment to transparency and good governance at our university.
One of UCM’s objectives is the publicity of its actions, as a suitable means for knowledge and accountability in the exercise of its public functions. One of the main instruments for this is the Transparency Portal, which legally complies with the provisions of the legislation on the matter, both state (Law 19/2013, of December 9, on Transparency, Access to Public Information and Good Governance) and regional (Law 10/2019, of April 10, on Transparency and Participation of the Community of Madrid), with the necessary adaptation to the activities and singularities of a public University.
This continuous effort, made by the entire university community and especially its governing bodies and services, is carried out in permanent collaboration with the Transparency Unit, under the direction of the General Secretariat, which is reflected in the specialized rankings.