In the academic act of Santo Tomás de Aquino, held on January 27 in the auditorium of San Bernardo, the Complutense University has invested the Italian physicist Giorgio Parisi as its new doctor honoris causa. In 2021 Parisi was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics for “the discovery of the interaction between disorder and fluctuations in physical systems from the atomic to the planetary scale”, seeking to understand how this interaction affects behavior and properties. of these physical systems. As is traditional, in the same academic act, the UCM doctors who have obtained this degree during the 2021/2022 academic year have been invested.
The rector Joaquín Goyache has reported that in the 2021-2022 academic year 762 doctoral theses have been defended at the Complutense University, 159 of them with an international mention, 170 with an industrial mention and of all of them 579 have received the cum laude mention. The doctorate, according to the rector, is a privilege that confers the possibility to investigate and instruct, and “what they do from now on will make a difference.” Therefore, he recommends Goyache, to the new doctors, that they not settle, that they continue forward, without setting limits.