The Complutense joins the Day for ZERO Discrimination
Today, 1 March, INTERNATIONAL DAY FOR ZERO DISCRIMINATION, the UN calls to raise awareness and promote equality and empowerment of all people, this year, especially women and girls. The Diversity and Inclusion Unit of the Complutense University joins this call to create a UNIVERSITY FREE OF DISCRIMINATION, which recognises diversity as a value and where […]
Artificial intelligence for universities: between opportunities and risks
ChatGPT. It is the world’s biggest hype of the last few months. A chat based on artificial intelligence (AI), available on the web for any user, capable of holding conversations and answering questions in different languages on practically any subject, in the tone and length requested. It also solves problems in mathematics, physics or chemistry, […]
Giorgio Parisi, Nobel Prize in Physics 2021, new honorary doctor by the Complutense.
#UCM #ucm #complutense UCM In the academic act of Santo Tomás de Aquino, held on January 27 in the auditorium of San Bernardo, the Complutense University has invested the Italian physicist Giorgio Parisi as its new doctor honoris causa. In 2021 Parisi was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics for “the discovery of the interaction […]
Concierto de Navidad de la Orquesta Sinfónica de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. 
The Complutense University of Madrid Symphony Orchestra offers us the traditional Christmas concert. It will take place next Wednesday, December 21, at 7:00 p.m., at the Ramón y Cajal Amphitheater of the UCM Faculty of Medicine, Plaza Ramón y Cajal, 28040, Madrid. Artistic and musical director: José Sanchís. The entrance for this concert is exclusively […]
「The UCM Foundation presents the crowdfunding platform pulsa
#ucm #complutense On October 10, in the Mindway space (María de Molina 27), the Pulsa crowdfunding platform was presented, which has just been launched by the General Foundation of the UCM. The director of the Foundation, Andrés Arias, explains that the initiative arose from the need to seek alternative means of financing for projects that […]
The III legal employment fair offers Complutense talent to the most prestigious firms and entibies
#ucm #complutense Foundation UCM The Faculty of Law of the UCM celebrates this October 4 its III Legal Employment Fair. Its students and graduates have the opportunity to learn first-hand, just by walking through the center’s main hall, the job or training offers of more than twenty institutions and companies, including the most prestigious law […]
La Complutense, worldwide pioneer in studies in studies on the metaverse
This September 15, the closing ceremony of the first edition of the diploma in Design and Development in Virtual and Augmented Reality of the Faculty of Information Sciences was held with the presentation of projects from the Metaverse Full Mastery program. Mercedes Rodríguez Paredes, director of the Center for Permanent Training of the UCM, and […]
X GECA International Congress: Queer Cinema in the World
This congress examines how queer cinema has changed in the world over time, how it continues to evolve in the present and what role it could play in the future when it comes to building imaginaries, proposing plural images and challenging stereotypes, narratives and aesthetics. that broadcast other types of cinematography. In this sense, we […]
Not taking out the ¨garbage¨contributes to the development of Alzheimer´s
Not taking out the “garbage” contributes to the development of Alzheimer’s The brain, like the waste that we ourselves generate in our homes on a daily basis, produces a large amount of waste substances. If these substances accumulate they can cause serious damage. The one in charge of collecting the “garbage” is the glymphatic system. […]
The Shanghai Academic Ranking has published its data for 2022 in academic subjects.
The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the Complutense University of Madrid ranks 15th in the classification by subjects of the ARWU ( Academic Ranking of World Universities ), occupying the second position in Spain. The Complutense, which has been included in 28 of the 54 academic subjects, also stands out among the top 100 in […]