The conference room “Miguel de Cervantes” of the Faculty of Education held on June 21st the award ceremony of the 3rd Hispanic American Intercollegiate Essay Competition “Teodoro Álvarez Angulo”, convened by the research group Didactext of the Faculty of Education UCM. Open to any student at the University of Latin America, the jury, after reading all the submissions, decided to award the prize to the article “National Patriarchy is Not a Fake New” by Yara Milani Hidalgo (pseudonym), an early childhood education student at Complutense University. “Federica Gracia Loca”).

The competition is named after Teodoro Álvarez Angulo in honor of the founder of the Didacttext group, which since 2001 has been working on the teaching and learning of writing in school settings (early childhood, primary and secondary education), vocational training and universities and professionals (initial and permanent teacher training).
Writer Elia Barceló, in her capacity as chair of the jury, and the following professors, experts in Spanish language and literature (in alphabetical order) evaluated the entries: Martín Alomo, professor at the University of Buenos Aires; Salvador Álvaro García, Emeritus Professor, Complutense University of Madrid; Juan Pablo Gutiérrez Gómez, from Quindio University, Colombia; Ana María Marcovecchio, Professor at the Catholic University of Argentina and University of Buenos Aires, and Daniel Mauricio Rodríguez León, University of Quindio, Colombia.