Classes for the second cohort of students in the ACCEDE program have ended.
A total of 11 students this year completed 300 hours of theoretical practice and 132 hours of guided practice, which are specifically designed for people with intellectual disabilities. Provide the workforce to these 18- to 30-year-olds through inclusive training at the University. At the same time, the Accede program contributes to the creation of an inclusive university of excellence, as highlighted by the Chancellor’s representative Mercedes García at the graduation ceremony held at the Faculty of Education on June 17 Professor Garcia insists, “A great university is not only because it is one of the largest and oldest. It is also because its humanistic quality is improving every year, thanks to programs like this, This allows us to see diversity, coexistence with various groups.”
As explained by the coordinator of Accede, Professor Elvira Carpintero of the Faculty of Education, the program is designed according to a dedicated training route to provide students with the resources to effectively assess the inclusivity of the environment, including services and spaces. The training is divided into five modules: University Life, Personal Skills, General Professional Skills, Specific Professional Skills and Internships. For the final module, students join different university services. This year, organizations participating in the internship program are: María Zambrano (Linguistics), Faculty of Geography and History, Psychology Library, Faculty of Education, Concierge in Student Building, Diversity and Inclusion Unit, UCM Volunteer Center, Guaurdería Corporation, Madrid Zoo and Parque School.
The list of students of the second ACCEDE program is as follows: Washinton Marino García Pereira, Andrea Jiménez Fernández, Javier Jiménez Casas, Pablo Lago Blasco, Noemí Mora Gelabert, Laura Moreno Pérez, Carla Mouchet Álvarez, Álvaro Navarro Gómez, Irina Sanz Rivera, Ofelia Serrano Casas y Violeta Tomé Gómez. Among them, two students have already worked as assistants in the summer course founded by EL ESCORIAL and signed a work contract.