April 26, 2022

An exhibition that aims to raise awareness, in a didactic way, about the importance of preserving ecosystems for the enjoyment of future generations.

To celebrate World Earth Day, the CEB and the Green Office of the University of Salamanca will inaugurate on April 25, at 11:00 am, the exhibition “The light in the Amazon Forest ecosystems”, by the Brazilian photographer Igor Georgios Fotopoulos.

The exhibition shows the Amazonian fauna and flora with the aim of raising awareness among the greatest possible number of people of the importance of conserving nature for the use of present and future generations.

The work of the Green Office

The USAL, through its Green Office, watches over and actively works for the fulfillment of its commitments to the environment and sustainable development. Among the Green Office’s areas of

The Green Office promotes a green culture among the university community and the rest of the citizens. Through educational and informative activities, the aim is to encourage more responsible attitudes and habits towards the environment, promote environmental quality on university campuses and build a more informed and committed society.

With this exhibition, the CEB and the Green Office fulfill a twofold objective: to promote greater knowledge of the rich biodiversity of the Amazon, which is essential to guarantee its preservation, since we protect what we love and know. And, secondly, to awaken interest in this incredible and threatened biome, so that the exhibition by Igor Georgios Fotopoulos is only the first of many initiatives aimed at raising awareness of the importance of caring for every corner of our planet.

The exhibition can be visited in the hall of the Faculty of Economics and Business (Unamuno Campus) from April 25 to May 12, Monday to Friday, from 9.00 am to 8.00 pm. Admission is free.

Guided tours in Spanish or Portuguese can be arranged by contacting the USAL Green Office.

Igor Georgios Fotopoulos.

Brazilian and native of the city of Porto Velho (Rondônia, Brazil), he has a degree in Biological Sciences and teaches at the Biology Department of the Federal University of Rondônia (UNIR). Since 2000, he has been using scientific knowledge associated with photographic techniques and language to document the Amazon, contributing to the illustration of books, exhibitions, advertising campaigns, among other means of visual communication.
