The Complutense recognizes the work of its excellent teachers
June 17, 2022

The Faculty of Languages ​​presented the Exchange Student Academic Excellence Award, this time to Silvia Biasi (Trento, Italy), Maurizio Karge (Munich, Germany) and Juliette Gasnier (Lyon, France). To be able to participate in this competition, the first requirement is to have a good record in completing the course section and then write a short essay describing the experience in Complutense and in Madrid.

Silvia Biasi described being overwhelmed at first by the vastness of Madrid and even burst into tears when she arrived in the Spanish capital. Soon, however, “crystal blue skies” and the greenery around the city greeted her, making her even better after class. For Biasi, Complutense meant a different way of learning than she was accustomed to in Italy, closer to a teacher, and a sense of diversity and inclusion. Biasi understands UCM has changed his life.

Maurizio Karge came to our country because he was attracted to Al-Andalus and Sephardim, and although he had difficulty adjusting to the rhythm and concept of Spanish time at first, he quickly understood that this lifestyle was different but interesting.

In his suitcase back to Germany, Karge will return with his extensive knowledge of linguistics: his study of Russian and Slavic sources, a deeper understanding of Spanish history, and a love of Complutense University will all accompany him go home. He said that he now finds in himself that there are two forces coming together, one from the Mediterranean and one from Eastern Europe.

The third recipient, Juliette Gasnier, fell in love with the city of Madrid and Complutense at first sight, which deepened her studies not only in the classroom, but also in many conferences, exhibitions and seminars. She admits that she will feel like a part of herself will remain in Madrid forever, not only in the streets and museums, but also in the exchanges she builds with other students and staff.
