Complutense Summer Courses present their thirty-fifth edition

The thirty-fifth edition of the Summer Courses of the Complutense University already has a program. The thirty-fifth edition of the Summer Courses of the Complutense University already has a program. It will be held between July 4 and 29 in San Lorenzo de El Escorial, with the exceptions of a course at the Prado Museum […]

Complutense Literature Award UCM 2022 Ceremony

Complutense Literature Award UCM 2022 Ceremony From the Vice-Rectorate for Culture, Sports and University Extension invite you to the Award Ceremony of the Complutense Prize for Literature, organized within the Week of Letters, which will take place next Friday, April 22, 2022 at 12.30 pm in the Auditorium of the Faculties of Philology and Philosophy, […]

 Judgment of the III edition of the Awards «Universidad, Conocimiento y Agenda 2030»

 Judgment of the III edition of the Awards «Universidad, Conocimiento y Agenda 2030» April 04, 2022. The III edition of the “Universidad, Conocimiento y Agenda 2030” Awards for the best Final Degree Project (TFG) and Master’s Degree Project (TFM) of the 2020-2021 academic year, organized by the Crue Spanish Universities, the Carolina Foundation and the […]

Three subjects of the Complutense University are among the 50 best in the world.

According to the QS World University Rankings 2022. Three subjects taught at the Complutense University are among the 50 best in the world. The subject Dentistry at the Complutense University continues to be the best in Spain (16th in the world), according to the twelfth edition of the QS World University Rankings by subject. According […]

Now a days a novel eye detection system has been designed.

This non-invasive technology has multiple applications in areas such as security and health. Researchers from the ‘Integrated Systems Engineering’ group of the E.T.S. I of Telecommunications of the University of Malaga, specialized in artificial vision and assistive robotics, have designed this new system that can capture clear images of the iris at a distance of […]

The rector Joaquín Goyache defends the University as a reference in lifelong learning

Recently, Joaquin Goyache the rector of the Universidad Complutense, participated in the Foro Vocento “”Education, our future”. He pointed, specifically in a panel on the challenges of education in which spoke about employability, degrees on demand, the integration of vocational training at the university, the over-qualification of graduates, the digital challenge and lifelong learning. On […]

Radio 3 live broadcast on the occasion of 50th anniversaryUCMccinf

Radio 3 live broadcast on the occasion of 50th anniversaryUCMccinf. Next Thursday, April 7, last day of school before the Easter vacations.On Thursday, April 7, one of the final activities commemorating the #50thUCMccinf Anniversary will be held: the live broadcast of Radio 3 programming from the Faculty. The event will take place in the street […]