With more than one thousand nine hundred Erasmus+ mobilities awarded, the Complutense University is the third university with the highest volume of students and staff who will carry out international stays in the 2022/23 academic year, enriching their training and personal growth through this experience in another country. We are referring to outgoing students, since each year the UCM also receives more than 1,500 students from other countries who will live their international study experience at our university.
A few days ago, the Spanish Service for the Internationalization of Education (SEPIE), an agency of the Ministry of Universities that acts as the National Agency for the Erasmus+ program, published the resolution awarding the aid for this year. A total of 3,112 Erasmus+ mobility projects will be financed in our country (which will translate into 114,278 mobilities), with an economic endowment of just over 214 million eurosfor all educational levels (of which, 137.13 million have been for mobility in Higher Education). This represents a significant increase, from all points of view, in relation to the previous year. And an impressive number of beneficiaries if we take into account that 35 years ago, when the Erasmus Program was born, 95 Spanish students participated in it (out of a total of 3,000 European university students in that first year, 1987).
In the call for proposals Erasmus + 2022 (which we remember is the European Year of Youth) Spain has been among the first places in receiving applications for mobility projects for learning, with a total of 3,519 received (702 more than in 2021) which indicates that educational institutions are strongly committed to the internationalization of training. Specifically, Spain is at the forefront in receiving requests from Vocational Training, it is the second country when we refer to the period of School Education and the third with the most requests received from the field of Adult Education.
The favorite destinations of Spanish students are Italy (21.3%), the United Kingdom (10.2%), France (9.8%), Poland (9.3%) and Germany (8.6%). For long-term study mobilities, Erasmus+ scholarship recipients will receive between €210 and €310 per month, depending on the country of destination. Those who carry out internships in companies will receive an additional €150 per month, and those who carry out short-term study mobility will receive aid of €50 or €70 per day, depending on the duration. Likewise, approximately 20% of the students -those with fewer opportunities due to physical, mental or health problems- will receive additional aid in this special line of support for inclusion.
Higher Education institutions can also finance mobility to third countries not associated with the Program. It is about international mobility. In these cases, the aid received by the participants is considerably higher: €700 or €950 per month for students, depending on whether they carry out studies or internships; €180 or €126 per day for staff members, depending on length of stay. The EU is also supporting innovative programs that combine physical mobility with a virtual component, making it easier for them to reach all kinds of students regardless of their origin, field of study and cycle. A total of 86 such programs are funded in 2022, involving 4,500 students and staff members.