531 students from 31 different countries, at the Complutense Summer School 2022
Thirty courses , three of them online, have welcomed the 531 students enrolled in the XXI edition of the Complutense Summer School (ECV) . At the inauguration, held on July 5 at the Faculty of Medicine , its director , Miguel Ángel Casermeiro , pointed out that these courses cover the four areas of knowledge : social and legal sciences , humanities , experimental sciences and health sciences , with topics as varied as neuroscience, big data , cell […]
Ceremony of UCM 2022 Alumni Association Awards.

The gardens of the Rector’s Office hosted the ceremony for the presentation of the UCM Alumni Awards 2022, in its six categories, as well as the appointment of new illustrious and honorary alumni, who on this occasion were proposed by the Faculties of Psychology and Veterinary Medicine. The event was attended by the rector, Joaquín […]
The Complutense, among the most transparent Spanish universities, fourth position out of 77 universities.

According to the social platform Dyntra, of the 169 indicators published, The Complutense University of Madrid complies with 152, which is equivalent to a commitment level of 89.94% in transparency. June 30, 2022. The Complutense University of Madrid ranks among the most transparent universities, occupying 4th position out of a total of 77 universities, according […]
Complutense presents its new active learning rooms

From 11 July, the Complutense community will have three new active learning rooms at its disposal. These new rooms – located in the María Zambrano Library, the Student Building and the Antonio de Nebrija Hall of Residence , in the words of the Rector Joaquín Goyache, “a very important step” taken by the Complutense towards […]
Presentation of Active Learning classrooms
The digital transformation of teaching goes through the transformation of teaching spaces. The Complutense University has been carrying out experiments in this area for years, with notable results such as the hyper-classroom of the Faculty of Education and its model of classrooms with mobile chairs, to name a well-known one. It has not been the […]
UNIVERSITY PRIDE MANIFESTO 2022 signed by 36 universities
This June 28,International LGBTIQ+ Pride Day , the Complutense University of Madrid, in its commitment to full inclusion。 Joins the manifesto for University Pride 2022 as part of the Network of Universities for Diversity (RUD). The university community of the Complutense works every day to make the University a space in which personal well-being and […]
Teachers who want to be better teachers
The course is finishing and María, Marcos, Guadalupe, Alba, Juanma, Nuria, Concha, Rafaela, Sergio, Elvira, José María, Teresa and a second María have met in room 1525 of the Faculty of Education to talk about how they have done this year and see what they can improve from September. The truth is that these meetings […]
Complutense University School of Education 30th Anniversary Celebration
UCM’s Teacher Training Center, the first educational institute created in Spain, this June 21 marks its 30th anniversary. To celebrate this unforgettable day, several important people attended a roundtable, revealing the college’s new logo and subsequently planting a tree at the entrance to the center. As Dean Gonzalo Jover points out, the college has produced […]
Complutense University’s Mock Pharmacy Classroom Completed
What is the best way to train pharmacy professionals serving the public, and how can students understand the most correct way to administer medicines? The answer is through a real pharmacy, or at least in a simulated environment. With that idea in mind and modeled on the image of mock classrooms that already exist in […]
Complutense University student Yara Milani Hidalgo wins firt prize in the third short essay competition
The conference room “Miguel de Cervantes” of the Faculty of Education held on June 21st the award ceremony of the 3rd Hispanic American Intercollegiate Essay Competition “Teodoro Álvarez Angulo”, convened by the research group Didactext of the Faculty of Education UCM. Open to any student at the University of Latin America, the jury, after reading […]