Yesterday, the award ceremony of the 15th Asturias Economics Olympiad was held at the University of Oviedo. The winners are:
– First prize, Carlota Pérez Fernández, student of IES Doctor Fleming.
– Second Prize, José Luis Suárez González from Meres International School.
– Third Prize, Mario Rodríguez Rodríguez from IES Cristo del Socorro.

The winning student received a tablet and €700 (first prize), a tablet and €475 (second prize) and a tablet and €250 (third prize). In addition, their schools also received a laptop to affirm the training of their students, namely IES Doctor Fleming (first prize), Colegio International Meres (second prize) and IES Cristo del Socorro y Santa Bárbara (third prize) prizes).
The event was moderated by Begoña Cueto, Vice-Chancellor for Business Relations. In addition, Carmen Benavides, Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business, as well as representatives of the Ministry of Finance of Asturias, the School of Economists and the Banco Sabadell Foundation all evaluated the competition.