The Access Program graduates to its second promotion

Classes for the second cohort of students in the ACCEDE program have ended. A total of 11 students this year completed 300 hours of theoretical practice and 132 hours of guided practice, which are specifically designed for people with intellectual disabilities. Provide the workforce to these 18- to 30-year-olds through inclusive training at the University. […]

The Complutense recognizes the work of its excellent teachers

The Faculty of Languages ​​presented the Exchange Student Academic Excellence Award, this time to Silvia Biasi (Trento, Italy), Maurizio Karge (Munich, Germany) and Juliette Gasnier (Lyon, France). To be able to participate in this competition, the first requirement is to have a good record in completing the course section and then write a short essay […]

The 15th Asturias Economics Olympiad came to a successful conclusion

Yesterday, the award ceremony of the 15th Asturias Economics Olympiad was held at the University of Oviedo. The winners are: – First prize, Carlota Pérez Fernández, student of IES Doctor Fleming. – Second Prize, José Luis Suárez González from Meres International School. – Third Prize, Mario Rodríguez Rodríguez from IES Cristo del Socorro. The winning […]

The Complutense recognizes the work of its excellent teachers

Under the scorching sun, more than 300 Complutense‘s teachers (out of a total of 412 teachers who received the award) were waiting for the moment to receive the award, a teacher representative who received recognition from students for their work in recognition of their work well done. Vice-Chancellor Miguel Ángel Sastre recalls that after the […]

Two of the Complutense professor haven been awarded the 2022 SCIE

Luis Costero Valero and Mercedes Eugenia Paoletti Ávila, two professors in the Department of Computer Architecture and Automation at the UCM School of Informatics, have been awarded the 2022 Spanish Computer Science Society (SCIE) – BBVA Foundation Young Computer Researchers Research Award. Luis Costero Valero, an assistant professor in the Department of Computer Architecture and […]

The University of Salamanca hosts graduation ceremonies for special student’s groups

The Unidiversitas program celebrated this morning the graduation of 14 young people who have completed training for social labor competency specialists in the Unidiversitas program. The degree is responsible for the Institute for Community Integration (INICO) of the University of Salamanca, funded by the ONCE Foundation and the European Social Fund. During this time, students […]

“Badly wounded”, the thousand traces left by the passage of time on books

Censorship, wars, nature and use are the four main themes of the exhibition “Malheridos. The traces of time in books”, which can be visited at the UCM Historical Library until October 21. Curated by the Library’s own director, Juan Manuel Lizarraga Echaide, and by the expert in book restoration and PAS of the Library, Javier […]